Seafood Saus Padang . You can have Seafood Saus Padang using 15 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Seafood Saus Padang You need 1 Ekor of Kepiting. You need 100 gr of Cumi Kupas Kulit Ari. You need 100 gr of Kerang. It's 100 gr of Udang. Prepare of Saus Tomat. It's of Cabai Merah, Cabai Kecil (Sesuai selera). You need 4 Biji of Bawang Putih. It's Sedikit of bawang bombay cincang. You need 2 Biji of Bawang Merah. You need of Kecap Manis. It's 2 Biji of Tomat. Prepare of Lada. Prepare of Garam. You need of Gula. Prepare of Merica Hitam/Putih(Saya pakai hitam yang bijian, lebih beraroma). Seafood Saus Padang instructions Ulek Bawang Merah, Putih, Cabai, Tomat. Lalu tumis dan masukan bawang bombay cincang tunggu sampai harum beri sedikit air supaya tidak gosong.. Masukan seafood ...
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